About Distance Learning
The concept of distance learning is not a new initiative. As early as the late 1800s, at the University of Chicago, the first major correspondence program in the United States was established in which the teacher and learner lived at different locations.
In 1873, Anna Ticknor, the daughter of a Harvard Professor founded the Society to Encourage Studies at Home for the purpose of educational opportunities for women of all classes in the society. This initiative provided education for over 10,000 students over a period of 24 years.
After this period, several large universities embraced the idea of offering education through distance learning method. In 1910, University of California embraced this initiative, which eventually metamorphosed into the largest academic correspondence program in the United State.
Interest regarding the effectiveness of distance learning versus traditional study was the subject of debates and discussions for several years. In the heat of such debate, Watkins (1991) in her book cited that Vincent (1885) wrote that, ʺthe day is coming when the work done by correspondence will be greater in amount than that done in the classrooms of our academics and colleges; when the students who shall recite by correspondence will far outnumber those who make oral recitationsʺ. This projection is gradually becoming a reality!
The Encyclopedia Britannica confirmed this development with one of its submission that, “Distance Learning has become an established part of the educational world, with trends pointing to ongoing growth.
Increasing numbers of universities and other tertiary institutions are now providing distance learning opportunities. Presently, distance learning programs are gaining prominence among students who are willing to improve themselves academically and for better career prospects.
Distance learning courses serve as a great alternative for students looking for further education without undergoing more conventional classroom learning. From all indications, online and correspondence courses, offer much liberty and flexibility.
IST is mindful of the fact that most students enrolling for distance education courses are working full – time and are unable to quit their jobs or businesses for one reason or the other. They need a source of income to run their family’s expenses, etc. Hence, in order to upgrade their educational qualifications while still employed, distance learning comes as a natural option.
Benefits of Distance Learning
1. The student gets an opportunity to learn at his own pace.
2. Classroom learning allows you to listen to any class lesson only once. But with distance courses, the learner has the freedom to re-read a particular module which he/she is not clear about.
3. In classroom learning, the time spent on a particular module depends on the teacher, which is not the case with distance learning. Here, the student can decide the amount of time to be spent on any particular module.
4. Distance programs offer students the flexibility to use time according to their requirements
5. Another added benefit is that students have access to learning anywhere and at any time with no limitations and restrictions of time and location of study. It gives students ample time to spend with their family and work while still actively studying.
6. Above all, distance education saves the time and cost incurred in travelling.
How to Become a Successful Distance Learning Student
Now that you are aware of the benefits of distance learning, make sure you follow these tips to avoid the possible pitfalls of online studies so that you can and successfully complete your studies:
1. Read the course guide and keep track of your lessons/modules: Your course guide or syllabus includes much useful information and you should consider it as a very important and useful tool. In your course guide, you can find information about your professor, lessons, grading system, assignments and a guide that explains how you can access the online forums, libraries and course materials. Read the syllabus thoroughly and if you have any questions, you can always contact the staff for support.
2. Complete your assignments and submit them on time Assignments are an important aspect of assessment in distance education. The recommendation is to check the deadlines and don’t miss out on completing and submitting your papers on time. A penalty could be given for overdue assignments.
4. Stay organized and keep track of your progress. Organization is one of the key-elements in terms of becoming a successful distance learning student. So be very careful about where and how you keep your syllabus, assignments, reading materials or research projects.
Make one big file on your computer, but remember to divide it into sections so that you can easily find what you’re looking for. In addition, it would be useful to have a notebook where you can write down important stuff such as deadlines for your assignments, etc.
5. Avoid procrastination
Many distance learners have the tendency to procrastinate in terms of finishing their assignments. Make a plan with a preferred schedule to “go to class” and respect it. For assignments: if for instance, you have a due date in one week, start researching the topic in the first days; note down the main ideas in the next and then you can start writing it. The day before you have to send it, just give it a final proofread to check misspellings, add or replace anything that you consider relevant.
Thesis Dissertation
The BA, MA, ThD and DMin programs will require thesis as the final project. Such thesis will incorporate significant research, reading and writing done in connection with the course work, aimed at producing publishable manuscripts in the area of ministry and theology.
The thesis will be written under the supervision of an assigned faculty mentor, and it must be written in a style that is appropriate for Bachelor, Master and doctoral level scholarship through the use of extensive research and critical footnotes or endnotes. A copy of the thesis must be neatly typed sent to IST.
Writing of assignments will form the bulk of the student’s academic work. Students are required to pass all their assignments before they can qualify to graduate. A final mark based on all assignments will be allocated to form the overall grade of the student.
All assignments must be written by students based on the topic allocated.
*Credits or acknowledgement must be given for all quotations used in assignments by students.
*Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Any student found copying from other sources without giving credit to the copyright owners of such work will be sanctioned.
*Upon the successful completion of a course (which must include all required modules), successful students will then be awarded with certificates, diplomas and degrees as the case may be.
* Students are advised to start their assignments upon the commencement of their studies, and they must keep working on such assignments regularly as they study their handbooks (which is the major resources), until completion.
* Students must write their assignments in compliance with the given word requirements.
Undergraduate essays have a word limit of not less than 1, 000 words. Please remember that an essay needs:
a. An Introduction
b. A Body
c. Conclusion
Essays should be well thought of, following the specific instructions concerning the assignment.
All assignments must have the student’s full names, course enrolled (e.g. BA Bible and Theology), topic, name/ code of assignments (e.g. ST —1002 New Testament Survey), date started / date of completion, Whatsapp number and email address.
Send all your assignments as email attachments to:
If it bounces back (without reaching) then immediately contact istuniversity@yahoo.com
Type written and bounded assignments or thesis Assignment can also be sent by post to: International School of Theology, PO Box 13773 Barnawa Post Office — Kaduna, NIGERIA
* On the successful completion of your final assignment, IST will immediately ensure that your certificate, diploma or degree and transcripts are sent to you as soon as your work is graded by the faculty members.
All courses offered by IST are flexible; not restricted to specific terms or semesters as obtain in residency – based institutions.
Fast – paced and self motivated students can take as many as three courses at a time, and complete them within a reasonable time. All students must be self – motivated, well organized and proactive in learning — accessing relevant information from books, and the internet while connecting with other students.
Undergraduate Studies
Certificate in Theological Studies (30 Credits)
This course is designed as a basic theological training program, preparatory for further studies in the area. To be awarded this certificate, a student must earn 30 credits in the following courses.
Required Courses
ST — 1002 Bible and its Preparation
BI — 1103 Old Testament Survey
BI — 1303 New Testament Survey
ST — 2004 Christian Doctrine
MI — 4002 Mission and Ministry
MI — 4102 Teaching and Preaching in the Church
MI — 5002 Church Leadership
*Students who have successfully completed the Certificate in Theological Studies can continue directly to the Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th) program or to the Bachelor of Arts(BA) program.
Diploma in Theological Studies (50 Cr)
The Diploma in Theological Studies is a theological education program for candidates with little or no ministry experience. After successfully completing this course, a student can continue directly to Bachelor of Arts Theology — B.A. However, the Diploma in Theology course is compulsory for all candidates who intend to proceed to study for the Bachelor of Theology (BTh).
Required Courses
ST — 1002 Bible and its Interpretation
BI — 1103 Old Testament Survey
BI — 1203 Beginning and History
BI —1303 New Testament Survey
BI — 1403 The Life and Teachings of Jesus
MI — 1010 Internship I — Discipleship
ST — 2004 Christian Doctrine
BI — 2003 Acts and Paul
BI — 2203 Wisdom and Prophesies in the Old Testament
BI —2502 General Letters and John
MI — 2010 Internship II — Leadership
Bachelor of Theology — BTh (120 Cr)
The Bachelor of Theology program builds on the Diploma in Theological Studies program, adding courses that propel a student to more professional direction.
The following course will be added to the Diploma in Theological Studies program to meet the requirement for the BTh degree:
BI — 4103 The Bible and History
BI — 4203 Biblical Theology
Ch — 4002 Church History
ST — 4102 Primer to Apologetics and Ethics
MI — 4002 Mission and Ministry
MI — 4102 Teaching and Preaching in the Church
MI — 5002 Church Leadership
MI — 4010 Internship III — Teaching and Preaching
NN — XOOX Electives.
*A candidate can’t apply directly to this program without first completing the Dip.Th program. In summary, the BTh program starts at the diploma level.
A candidate with some level of theological education outside IST, may be considered for the Bachelor of Theology degree program.
Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology (100 Cr)
The BA in Bible and Theology degree program is designed for candidates who have successfully completed secondary education and intend to proceed directly to study for bachelor the degree. Those with post secondary qualifications are also eligible to apply.
The BA program consist of core studies in bible and theology, thus equipping students for teaching ministry, ecclesiastical leadership as well as for further studies in Bible and Theology.
Required Courses
ST — 1002 Bible and its Interpretation
BI — 1103 Old Testament Survey
BI —1303 New Testament Survey
ST — 2004 Christian Doctrine
MI — 4002 Mission and Ministry
PS — 2002 World Religions
Ch — 4002 Church History
ST — 4102 Primer to Apologetics and Ethics
BI — 4103 The Bible and History
BI — 4203 Biblical Theology
MI — 5002 — Church Leadership
BI — 1403 The Life and Teachings of Jesus
BI — 2203 Wisdom and Prophesies in the Old Testament
BI —2502 General Letters and John
ST — 7103 Apologetics and Ethics
*The above listed courses may not be taken in the suggested order. After obtaining the BA in Bible and Theology degree, a student may proceed directly to the MA Program.
Graduate Studies
Master of Arts in Bible and Theology (100)
The MA program is designed for persons with theological undergraduate degree of BTh or BA.
The International School of Theology’s MA program is designed to equip its students with broad biblical/theological knowledge, and to prepare them for teaching or further academic work in an ecclesiastical field.
Required Courses
PS — 5003 Orientation to Theological Studies
BI — 5003 Introduction to Old Testament
BI — 6003 Old Testament Theology
BI — 5103 Introduction to New Testament
BI — 7003 historical Jesus
BI — 7103 Paul’s Theology
ST — 5103 Systematic Theology I
ST — 5203 Systematic Theology II
ST — 5303 Systematic Theology III
MI — 6003 Theology and Practice of God’s Mission
ST — 7103 Apologetics and Ethics
ST — 5003 Historical Theology
ST — 7003 Contemporary Evangelical Thoughts
MI — 4002 Mission and Ministry
MI — 4102 Teaching and Preaching in the Church
MI — 5002 Church Leadership
Ch — 4002 Church History
ST — 4102 Primer to Apologetics and Ethics
MI — 4002 Mission and Ministry
Doctorate Programs
Doctor of Ministry (D. Min)
IST’s Doctor of Ministry program is structured to provide innovative education to equip Christian leaders to become world changers through significant contributions that’ll result in enduring changes.
Through this program, ministry professionals will acquire advanced training and skills necessary to effectively practice. The D. Min curriculum is suitable for practicing ministers.
All candidates applying for the D. Min program must have a Masters degree, preferably in related field. Candidates with Master degrees in other fields may be considered. Motivation to pursue further education at doctoral level is also vital for this program.
Required Courses
DMin 101 —The Gospel of Mathew
DMin 102 — The Gospel of Mark
DMin 103 — The Gospel of Luke
DMin 104 — The Gospel of John
DMin 105 — Acts
DMin 106 — The Pauline Epistle 1
DMin 107 — The Pauline Epistles 2
DMin 108 — The General Epistle 1
DMin 109 — The General Epistles2
DMin 110 — Revelations
DMin 111 — Thesis
Doctor of Theology (ThD)
Doctor of Theology (ThD) is an advanced level theological course that takes the student deeper into topics related to Bible and Theology. This course is suitable for candidates who already have a good background in theology.
Admission Requirements
A Master degree in any subject, but preferably in theology. However, if your masters is not in theology, IST will send additional course materials (if needed) to make up for that theological deficiency.
The ThD program will take a period of 3 years to complete. However fast paced students can complete the course in 2 years.
All the textbooks for this course will be made available to the student via free downloads/emails as eBooks. Each of the numbered textbook below is a “Course Module” that’ll earn the student credit hours.
Essential Apologetics
Course Modules
M01A1 Introduction
M02A1 Presuppositions
M03A1 History
M04A1 Canon
M05A1 Revelation
M10A1 Introduction to Tools
M10A2 Preparation
M10P1 What is Proof
M11A1 Errors of Interpretations
M12A1 Bible Difficulties
M13A1 Science Difficulties
M14A1 Propaganda Analysis
M15A1 Manipulation Analysis
M16A1 Manipulation Resisting
M17A1 Logic & Errors
M18A1 Debating Techniques
M19A1 Resisting Debate
M20A1 Leading Questions
M20U1 Using Apologetics
Course Modules:
THD01 Jesus And History
THD02 Bible Difficulties
THD03 Intro To Logic II
ThD03B Logic & Analysis
THD04 Christianity and Contemporary Attacks
THD05 Theism & Open Theism
THD06 Christianity & Culture
THD07 Epistemology
THD08 Presuppositionalism Introduction
THD09 Contemporary Debates
THD10 Trinity & Contextualization
THD11 Uniqueness of Bible
THD12 Evolution
Course Modules
THD21 The Bible As Scripture
THD22 History of the Bible
THD25 Haggai
THD26 Zachariah
THD31 Sermon on the Mount
THD32 Romans
THD33 Philippians
THD34 Christology of Epistles
Course Modules
THD40 Inductive Bible Study
THD41 Exegesis
THD42 Parables_I
THD43 Parables_II
THD44 Dispensational Hermen
THD45 Rapture and Revelation
THD46 Homiletics
Hermeneutics Readings (9 Documents, Provided)
Course Modules
THD51 Christian Faith & Freedom
THD52 Pornography And Society
THD53 Modern Theol of God
THD54 Christ and Culture
THD55 Theol Foundation of Law
Course Modules
THD61 Intro to Philosophy
THD62 Evangelicalism & Philosophy
THD63 Theism
THD64 God And Evil
THD65 Paganism and Chr Faith
THD66 Philosophy and Pornography
THD067 Chr Philosophy of Science
Course Modules
THD71 Christianity
THD72 The Bible
THD73 The Quran
Course Modules
THD80/81 Syst Theology II
THD82 Bibliology II
THD83 Justification By Faith II
THD84 Hamartiology
THD85 God the Father
THD86 Christ’s Atoning Death
THD87 Spiritual Warfare
THD88 Eschatology And Olivet Discourse
THD89 Biblical Foundations
Topical Studies
Course Modules
THD91 Life of Christ I
THD92 Life Of Paul I
Course Modules
THD95 Evangelical Worldview
General Reading
Course Modules
9 Books (Provided. Read and report. No assignment needed)
Practical Work
The student will have to develop and submit a sizable thesis on a given topic.
Honorary Degrees
The International School of Theology has a provision of granting the degree of Doctor of Divinity — D.D (Honoris Causa) to well deserving persons.
As an earned doctorate degree is awarded to a person who shows promise of accomplishing something exceptional for the human race, so an honorary doctorate degree is also given to a person who has already achieved such work.
The honorary doctorate is an ʺearned” degree, but earned by those who have actually produced a doctoral level results in the real world.
Criteria: The recipient of an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree must have contributed in an exceptional way to the furtherance of the gospel and service to humanity for an extended period of time — and be obviously deserving of such an honor.